Friday, September 18, 2015

Top Ten Book List

1. Captain Underpants ( when I was younger )
These books were my favorite because they were always a classics. Like Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Those were classics back in the day. My mom told me after my uncle died a few years ago that he always loved these books as a kid. When I clean my house and pick up a book it reminds me of him. It felt like a good sort of memento for me so I can always remember him.
2. The Walking Dead series
I like these books because they come in volumes so more to read and I am really passionate about zombie themed stuff. That means that these books are a good fit for me personally.
3. The Hunger Games series
I like these books because they had made the trilogy. For me books are always better than their movies, but I still like the movies to kind of go through a book visually.
4. The Odyssey
I like the Odyssey because I like Greek Mythology themed books too other than zombies. Also I love books with legends. Some of those legends can be entertaining which why they are so good.
5. World War Z
I like this book because like I said I have a passion for anything zombie which means this book is awesome. I also wanted to note that the movie was great.
6. The Zombie Survival Guide
I like this book because it is zombie themed an dis very informational. It give factional information on zombie survival. Also the zombie apocalypse is a good ice breaker.
7. Diary of a Wimpy Kid series ( when I was younger )
I loved these books when I was younger because they were just classics back in the day. You'd see everybody reading and I wondered ( before I had a book ) how great are these books. Turns out it was a very entertaining series.
8. Titanic
I like this book because it was a very lengthy an emotional. I mean considering what happened to the boat, the people. The movie was awesome by the way, long but not happy awesome just a good movie.
9. Coraline
I like this book because it was very similar to the movie. Right now I am reading the novel and watched the movie over the weekend and they are almost a like. of course there are some slight changes but still a good book. To be honest the movie was so much better.
10. Comics
I like comics because they are graphic and are really good reads for anyone who likes super heroes. I still kinda like super heroes so they fit well with me.
I commented on Marcos', I commented on Andrea's, I commented on Sumar's

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

All About Me

Welcome to my new blog, or old blog I should say. If you don't know, my name is Andrew and I am currently 14 years old. This would now be the third time I have used Blogger and hope to do better on my blogs then I did last year. I live in Illinois and have lived here for basically my whole life. I've lived in the same house since birth and have never moved or have planned to move.

One of the things I like to do in my free time are to play video games . Of course I play them in moderation, but lie joy playing every time I get the chance. My mom always tells me that the games I play are really stupid, but I still play. Before September, I didn't really play that much, especially in the summer. In the summer I would play sometimes, but only about 2 hours and that's not really a long time. I've gotten some new games so I've been getting into it lately.

A second thing I like to do in my free time is sometimes play volleyball with my friends. I am pretty good at volleyball, but have never tried out at Hertiage for the team. I'm leaning toward joining since it's one of the few sports I actually like and am good at. Some of my friends were on the team and I'm pretty sure they're going to join again. Being on a team with them would be interesting and fun.

The third thing I enjoy and am excited for when fall come is watching The Walking Dead. I am really passionate about zombie related stuff and everybody knows I do. For some reason I absolutely love the show and can't get enough of it. I have the comic books, I have posters, and I used to collect the action figures. It's supposed to come back on the 23rd of October end recommend you check it the season 7 premiere which is gonna be insane.