Thursday, October 27, 2016

First Quarter Refelction Blogs

My blogs have been progressing quite well since August and 7th grade. Last year I did write a lot in my blogs, but I mainly kept them to their minimum which was three paragraphs. Now I've really been starting to write a lot more then I usually did last year. Instead of three paragraphs per blog, they have been increasing it's size into four paragraphs per blog. Right at the start of the year I kept saying to myself I can do better and that my previous work can be much better. Me trying to perservere really showed when my blogs started looking a whole lot nicer compared to a blog I wrote last year.

A strategy I have learned in this class has and always will benefit me is the TIQA format. It has always been a great organization stradegy to use when writing some of my paragraphs for my work. It keeps things in good cronilogical order and smoothly introduces quotes well without making things awkward. It especially helps me when I am doing an objective summary or trying to answer in essay question that is in need of a quote. This will salads be a skill I am going to use not only in this class, but in high school as well. Organization is key when starting high school and if I can learn early how too organize sentences in parghraphs, I'll do fine next year.

I have been doing well in my 10 book challenge. Last year I really wasn't looking to read 40 books during the whole year. I didn't have the stamina or the motivation to try and attempt to do that. For some reason, things have changed this year, I don't feel this same way as I did with reading anymore. I'm now starting to like books and have been reading them faster. I have read so far Lincoln's Grave Robbers, The Walking Dead Road to Woodbury, The Giver, Never Fall Down, The Nazi Hunters. I'm now in the middle of new book I just signed out and hope I can read more then 10 books this year. 

Some things Iearned about the world is that anything can happen other then negative stuff. In news today, it's really focused on finding the bad in the world and trying to highlight the trade gives a lot when there are other good things happening in the world today. For instance, for our second AoW we annotated an article about a 64 year old women who successfully efully swam all the way from Cuba to Florida. That shows that some people in the world aren't trying to do bad things and that they can do good things. Like accomplishing a goal like that sounds amazing and shows that hard work pays off when trying to reach a goal. Also for our first AoW we learned about how there was a new gene found to cure a diasese. That doesn't associate with anything bad, that is good information. Information like that should be told in news more often then what goes bad in the world.

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