Tuesday, November 22, 2016

What I Am Thankful For

What I am grateful for this year is being with my family everyday. You may think that's a a little obvious to be thankful, because everyone is grateful for their family. I still think it's worth mentioning because not everyone is thankful for their family or are united with their full family. We as teenagers may take our family for granted or can't be with our full family for the holidays. Maybe from them passing or dying of some sort of unfortunate disease. I however don't take my family for granted and am thankful to be with them on Thursday. In conclusion, I am very thankful for all my family and their well being.

Something else I am also thankful for is specifically having my aunt living here and not moving. The story is, my had gotten married Fall of 2015. Last year they had been talking about moving to Morroco to live with her husbands family. Two months before last years Thanksgiving she had decided to move their out of nowhere. It was a very emotional day for our family seeing her leave to the airport. Thanksgiving my parents/brother and I went to my grandmothers for Thanksgiving dinner and as we walked into the kitchen, we saw her smiling and happy to see us. I am just thankful she stayed and won't be leaving ever again.

Another thing I am thankful for is having the opportunity to be able to attend a private high school. Thankfully, my parents make just the right amount of money to be able to send me to a private high school. Unfortunately, some parents can not afford for their kids to go to a school like Nazareth. That's also a reason why I don't take my parents for granted. They are giving me this big opportunity to go to a really good school which will cost a whole lot compared to a public school. That is something else that I am very thankful for.

I commented on Jessie's blog

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