Sunday, January 24, 2016

2nd Quarter Reflection

Something that I accomplished since the new year that I am proud of is finishing and then revising the comparative analysis for "A Christmas Carol." Unfortunately I had gotten sick and was absent for a while, so I had to do it during break. The hardest and longest part of the whole project was doing the table. I had to watch the movie over break and I had to keep pausing it and rewinding it just to get little notes. The notes weren't' so easy either, I had to pay attention to the characters voices, appearances and others thing too. The questions were a little challenging at first, but when I saw that the grade I got on it wasn't that great, I knew what I had to do and what I messed up on, so I just basically edited my answers. It was easier editing then doing it the first time. Once I fixed it, I felt real proud of myself.

A strategy that has really benefited me the most was using the TIQA format. I have been using for most of my assignments and once you keep using the format it just gets easier. It also makes it easier to form paragraphs, especially when you need to answer a question. You may not know what your going to write in a paragraph, but when you at least have a plan on what your going to be writing in the paragraph, it makes it easier forming the paragraph once you know what your going to write about.

The area that I think I have made the biggest improvement in was the vocab/roots tests. I used to think that these tests were complete torture, now it seems easier. About a month ago I changed the way I studied. Instead of going over every word and root over and over, I started to look at one word and kept repeating it's meaning a bunch of times for repetition, I did this for each. After I studied for a while I would look over a random word that I studied and was able to remember the spelling, part of speech, and meaning. When it comes to taking the test I am able to remember more words. I know my test aren't perfect, but I noticed that I have made a big improvement since last quarter.

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