The book and the article I found both have to do with the Revolutionary War. Creighton and the other characters are people living during this war and seeing it unfold. However, they both take different approaches to talk about the topic. In the article “Museum of the American Revolution celebrates the ongoing American experiment” states, The first museum devoted to the country’s earliest years opened in April — on the anniversary of the opening battles of the American Revolution at Lexington and Concord and “the shot heard round the world” on April 19, 1775. It stands in “America’s most historic square mile,” a few blocks from the Liberty Bell, the first White House and Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed and the U.S. Constitution was ratified.” A way the article contrasts from the book is that it presents facts and real life locations. The one place it mostly talks about is this museum. The book is all fictional and may take place during a real life time period and locations, everything happening within them is all for entertainment purposes.
Despite the article and book presenting the war in different ways, they both still mention real historical figures. The book states, “To Dr. Franklin home, on Royal Street.” Franklin? Is he any relation of Benjamin Franklin?” He's one in the same” (Page 74). This was when Creighton was going to be introduced to Benjamin Franklin. On the other hand, the article involves Franklin within the actual piece by stating a quote if his. This quote said, “As Benjamin Franklin said in 1776, ‘We must all hang together or we will surely hang separately,’ ” As we can see, both forms of writing have very visible differences. That still doesn't mean they can't ever cross paths and not use certain people within them.
Blackwood, Gary L. Year of the hangman. N.p.: Turtleback , 2004. Print
Pompilio, Natalie. "Museum of the American Revolution celebrates the ongoing American experiment." StarTribune. N.p., 5 May 2017. Web. 11 May 2017.

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