Friday, May 26, 2017

Love Rather Then Hate

I believe we shouldn't give into hate that is being spread around the world. I feel that certain people shouldn't get mistreated or hated just because of what they look like or who they are. Have you ever gave into a stereotype? Have you ever gave into the racism and prejudice that is constantly being spread? I remember I was almost sunk into that darkness, but then I met someone very important. Someone who changed my whole outlook on Muslims. This man is my uncle.

I believe I've known my uncle for over two years. I met him during a very rough time for people who practiced his same religion. On the news you were always hearing lots of stories of terrorist attacks and suicide bombers who were killing a bunch of innocents. Aside from the constant terrorist attacks going on, the Syrian Civil War was still going on. The News was always on a TV wherever I was, so I saw a lot of this on a daily. I would always watch in fear and would think in my head, “Is what's being said any true?” I didn't know if I should believe. I didn't want to. A lot of the stuff that was being said was just very negative and God awful. It was very hard to escape from it.

I met my aunt's boyfriend who soon became her husband. As time went by, I learned that he came from Morocco and is a Muslim. Instead of being skeptical or being rude to him, I got to know him. There was no reason to hate him, so why shouldn't I be nice to him. As time went by, I started to like him a lot. He's such a great guy and still to this day is extremely nice. I came to the realization that if every non terrorist Muslim was like this, then I'd have no problem getting to know every single one of them. If he is an example of how nice Muslims can be, then I'm glad I didn't believe anything the media was saying about them. You can't judge people who you don't even know. I got to know my uncle and found out that he’s a really cool guy.

I believe people shouldn't judge people who they have never even taken any time to get to know. The people I heard in the media said very hurtful things to these people whose lives were very different from ours. Some of these people were going through a war in their country and had to live among the monsters who made people hate Muslims. We may have been through lots of war, but we never had to experience anything like what they experienced.

We can't mistreat people just because of their religion. We can't overgeneralize a group of people by calling them terrorists when really they aren't. That's not how our world should work. It's better to spread love rather than hatred. That only makes others want to join in when really they should be putting it to an end. I believe this and it made a really positive impact on my life.

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